
Affichage de 261 à 270 sur 950

  • Article dans une revue

Coupling additive manufacturing and microwave sintering: A fast processing route of alumina ceramics

Hugo Curto, Anthony Thuault, Florian Jean, Maxence Violier, Vedi Dupont, Jean-Christophe Hornez, Anne Leriche

In this paper, a quick and efficient route to produce complex-shape alumina is reported. Alumina pieces are shaped by additive manufacturing (stereolithography) and densified by microwave sintering. Two raw powders are investigated in terms of both printing and microwave sintering: one alumina…

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40 (7), pp.2548-2554. ⟨10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.11.009⟩. ⟨hal-03479272⟩

  • Article dans une revue

3D printed bioceramic for phage therapy against bone nosocomial infections

Franck Bouchart, Olivier Vidal, Jean-Marie Lacroix, Corentin Spriet, Shaan Chamary, Annie Brutel, Jean-Christophe Hornez

This study provides a new therapeutic response to postoperative joint and bone infections. Alone or in combination with antibiotics, phage therapy has many advantages, including accurate targeting of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, a decrease in harmful side effects can improve the healing…

Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2020, 111, pp.110840. ⟨10.1016/j.msec.2020.110840⟩. ⟨hal-04279673⟩