
Affichage de 11321 à 11330 sur 15054

  • Article dans une revue

Influence of crystal quality on electron mobility in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on Si(111), SiC and GaN templates

Y. Cordier, P. Lorenzini, M. Hugues, F. Semond, F. Natali, Z. Bougrioua, J. Massies, E. Frayssinet, B. Beaumont, P. Gibart, J.-P. Faurie

Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 2006, 132, pp.365-368. ⟨10.1051/jp4:2006132070⟩. ⟨hal-02906684⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Caractérisation et modélisation non linéaire de Transistors à Effet de Champs à Nano tubes de Carbone (CNFETs) à l'aide d'un Analyseur de réseau non linéaire (LSNA)

Arnaud Curutchet, Jean-Marc Bethoux, Matthieu Werquin, Henri Happy, Didier Theron, Damien Ducatteau, Christophe Gaquière

GDR G2054 Nanoélectronique, Feb 2006, Grenoble, France. ⟨hal-00197505⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Generation and coherent detection of terahertz radiation by photomixing : dielectric media characterization

S. Matton, Gaël Mouret, Robin Bocquet, Francis Hindle, D. Bigourd, D. Lippens, Jean-Francois Lampin

New results from a far infrared coherent detection scheme are presented. Photomixing has been used for homodyne detection to measure absorption and dispersion of dielectric media. The abnormal dispersion near a rotational transition of carbonyl sulfide has been examined.

The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, IRMMW-THz 2005, Sep 2005, Williamsburg, United States. pp.419-420. ⟨hal-00154903⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Variation of absorption coefficient and determination of critical dose of SU-8 at 365 nm

Matthieu Gaudet, Jean-Christophe Camart, Lionel Buchaillot, S. Arscott

Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88 (2), pp.024107. ⟨10.1063/1.2164390⟩. ⟨hal-02347482⟩

  • Brevet

Piezoelectrically-controlled microswitch

G. Caruyer, G. Bouche, P. Ancey

Patent n° : WO2006000731 (A1). 2006. ⟨hal-00372368⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Theory of multi-exponential photoluminescence decay of indirect gap semiconductor nanocrystals

Christophe Delerue, Guy Allan, Cécile Reynaud, Olivier Guillois, Gilles Ledoux, Friedrich Huisken

Material Research Society Fall Meeting, Nov 2006, Boston, MA, United States. ⟨hal-00127919⟩