
Affichage de 361 à 370 sur 5181

  • Communication dans un congrès

Direct Model-Reference Adaptive Control for Wheelchair Simulator Control via a Haptic Interface

Amel Ait Ghezala, Chouki Sentouh, Philippe Pudlo

A wheelchair locomotion simulator (WCS) is an innovative solution to assess the biomechanical cost of wheelchairs (WC) accessibility in a controlled and safe virtual environment. In this context, this paper presents a haptic feedback control architecture based on a direct model reference adaptive…

15th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems HMS 2022, Sep 2022, San Jose (CA), United States. pp.49-54, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.230⟩. ⟨hal-04481305⟩

  • Rapport

Results of the innovative driving cabin survey

Jean Valentin Merlevede, Simon Enjalbert, Frédéric Vanderhaegen, Christine Hassoun, Frédéric Henon, Alexandre Pereda-Banos, Stefano Ricci

[Research Report] Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Université de Valenciennes. 2022. ⟨hal-03647515⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Expectations of train drivers for innovative driving cabin

Jean-Valentin Merlevede, Simon Enjalbert, Frédéric Henon, Alexandre Pereda Baños, Stefano Ricci, Frédéric Vanderhaegen

This paper aims at identifying the expectations of train drivers or other railway staff about Human-Machine Systems (HMS) in future cabins. The identification of the best technical solution needs surveying preferences and efficiencies of possible new information technology configurations of Human-…

15th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems HMS 2022, Sep 2022, San José, United States. p.144-149. ⟨hal-03704659⟩