
  • Bâtiment Malvache
    Bureau 204

Thèmes de recherche :

-Analyse et commande des systèmes non linéaires et à retards.

-Observation des systèmes non linéaires avec application à la détection du phénomène d’encrassement dans les échangeurs de chaleur.

-Robotique mobile et parallèle

Fonctions actuelles

    Dans le groupe de recherche

  • Directeur du département Automatique
  • Au niveau national

  • Co-animateur du GT "Systèmes à retard" du GdR CNRS MACS (gtsar.ec-lyon.fr/)
  • Au niveau international

  • Membre du TC 2.2 de l'IFAC

Diplômes universitaires

  • 2004 :
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
  • 1994 :
    Thèse de Doctorat en Productique : Automatique et Informatique Industrielle de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
  • 1990 :
    D.E.A. en Productique : Automatique et Informatique Industrielle à l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
  • 1990 :
    Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'Institut Industriel du Nord (actuellement École Centrale de Lille)

Expériences professionnelles

  • 1998-2006 :
    Maître de conférences à l'EC Lille
  • depuis Sept. 2006 :
    Professeur des Universités à l'UVHC - ENSIAME

Valorisations academiques

    Contrat de recherche

    • Responsable scientifique du LAMIH pour le projet ‘Détection et Surveillance de l’encrassement dans les échangeurs de chaleur isolés ou en réseau’ dans le cadre du programme interdisciplinaire énergie 2008 du CNRS (projet porté par S. Lalot, TEMPO/DF2T).

    • Responsable scientifique du LAMIH pour le projet européen EUREKA - EUROSTARS NIIT4CAD (New Interactive and Innovative Technologies for CAD)

    • Participant au projet FUI 09 SURAL-HY (pilote Valeo)

  • Responsabilités scientifiques de thèses

  • Directeur de thèse de M. El Hadi GUECHI :
       "Suivi de trajectoires d'un robot mobile non holonome : approche par modèle flou de Takagi-Sugeno et prise en compte des retards"
    soutenue le 28 juin 2010 devant le jury composé deL. Laval (Rapp.), N.E. Manamanni (Rapp.), M. Dambrine (Dir.), T.M. Guerra, J. Lauber (Co-enc.) et D. Meizel
    Thèse de l'UVHC
  • Co-encadrement de la thèse de M.Nima Yeganefar ( co-encadrement à 33% avec J-P. Richard et A. Köközy du LAGIS)
    soutenue le  octobre 2006 devant le jury composé de : D. Meizel, T. Guerra (rapporteur), O. Sename (rapporteur), J-P. Richard, A. Köközy, M. Dambrine
    Thèse de l'EC-Lille- USTL
  • Co-encadrement de M. Alexandre Seuret ( à 50% avec J-P. Richard du LAGIS)
           "Commande et observation des systèmes à retards variables: Théorie et applications"
    soutenue le 4 octobre 2006 devant le Jury composé de J-F. Lafay, C. Canudas de Wit (Rapporteur), S-I. Niculescu (Rapporteur), W. Perruquetti, J-P. Richard, M. Dambrine
    (prix de lameilleure thèse en Automatique du club EEA et du GdR MACS)
    Thèse de l'EC-Lille- USTL
  • Co-encadrement de la thèse de M. Frédéric Gouaisbaut (co-encadrement à 50% avec J.P. Richard)
    "Sur la commande par modes glissants des systèmes à retards"
    Soutenue le 8 octobre 2001 devant le jury : J.-P. Barbot, V. Kolmanovskiii, J.F. Lafay (Rapporteurs), M. Dambrine, S.I. Niculescu, W. Perruquetti, M. Sorine, J.-P. Richard, M. Staroswiecki
    Thèse de doctorat, EC Lille - Univ. de Lille I
  • Co-encadrement de la thèse de M. Philippe A. TCHANGANI (avec J-P. Richard)
    "Sur la stabilité des systèmes héréditaires non linéaires"
    Soutenue le 6 janvier1999 devant le jury : Lj.T. Grujic, V. Kolmanovskii, R. Rabah} (Rapporteurs), S.P. Banks,
    P. Borne, M. Dambrine, D. Normand-Cyrot, J.-P. Richard, M. Staroswiecki
    Thèse de doctorat, EC Lille - Univ. de Lille I.
  • Co-encadrement de thèse de Mme Aude Goubet-Bartholoméüs(co-encadrement à 33% avec J.P. Richard)
    "Sur la stabilité et la stabilisation des systèmesretardés : critères dépendant des retards"
    Soutenue le 18 d\écembre1996 devant le jury : L. Dugard, V. Kolmanovskii, F.Rotella (Rapporteurs),
    P. Borne, M. Fliess, J.F. Lafay, M. Staroswiecki,  M. Dambrine, J.-P. Richard
    Thèse de l'USTL
  • Appartenance à des sociétés savantes

Enseignements actuels

  • Enseignement en Automatique à l'ENSIAME

Revue internationale avec comité de lecture

Dehak A., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2022). Reduced-Complexity LMI Conditions for Admissibility Analysis and Control Design of Singular Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 31 (4), pp. 1377 - 1390 [DOI=10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3200738].

Armenta moreno C., Delprat S., Negenborn R., Haseltalab A., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2022). Computational reduction of optimal hybrid vehicle energy management. IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), vol. 6, pp. 25-30 [DOI=10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3046609].

Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Nguyen thi V., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2021). Fuzzy descriptor tracking control with guaranteed L inf. error-bound for robot manipulators. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 43 (6), pp. 1404-1415. [IF=1.796]

Nguyen thi V., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2019). Nonlinear Tracking Control with Reduced Complexity of Serial Robots: A Robust Fuzzy Descriptor Approach. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 21 (4), pp. 1038-1050. [IF=2.396] [DOI=10.1007/s40815-019-00613-1].

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2018). LMI Approach for Robust Stabilization of Takagi–Sugeno Descriptor Systems with Input Saturation. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 35 (4), pp. 1103-1114. [IF=1.273] [DOI=doi.org/10.1093/imamci/dnx019].

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2017). Robust stabilizing controller design for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy descriptor systems under state constraints and actuator saturation. Fuzzy sets and systems, 329, pp. 77-90. [IF=2.718] [DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2017.02.006].

Nguyen A.-T., Sugeno M., Campos V., Dambrine M. (2017). LMI-based Stability Analysis for Piecewise Multi-Affine Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 25 (3), pp. 707-714. [IF=7.11] [DOI=10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2566798].

Nguyen A.-T., Tanaka K., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2017). Static Output Feedback Design for a Class of Constrained Takagi- Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354 (7), pp. 2856-2870. [IF=3.139] [DOI=10.1016/j.jfranklin.2017.02.017].

Allouche B., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2017). Modeling and PDC fuzzy control of planar parallel robot: A differential– algebraic equations approach. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14 (1). [IF=0.615] [DOI=https://doi.org/10.1177/1729881416687112].

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2016). Experimental study on the stability of an impedance-type force-feedback architecture based on an augmented-state observer for a haptic system under time delay using a LMI approach. Proc IMechE Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 230(1), pp. 58-71. [IF=0.778] [DOI=10.1177/0959651815611566].

Nguyen A.-T., Dambrine M., Lauber J. (2016). Simultaneous Design of Parallel Distributed Output Feedback and Anti-windup Compensators for Constrained Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. Asian Journal of Control, 18 (5), pp. 1641-1654. [IF=1.407] [DOI=10.1002/asjc.1288].

Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2015). Anti-windup based dynamic output feedback controller design with performance consideration for constrained Takagi-Sugeno systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 40, pp. 76-83, ISSN 0952-1976. [IF=1.962] [DOI=10.1016/j.engappai.2015.01.005.].

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2015). Augmented observer approach for high-impedance haptic system with time delay. Math. Comput. Simulation, 113, pp. 51-68. [IF=0.856] [DOI=10.1016/j.matcom.2014.07.007].

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2014). Optimal control based algorithms for energy management of automotive power systems with battery/supercapacitor storage devices. Energy Conversion and Management, 87, pp. 410-420. [IF=3.598] [DOI=10.1016/j.enconman.2014.07.042].

Nguyen A.-T., Dambrine M., Lauber J. (2014). Lyapunov-based robust control design for a class of switching non-linear systems subject to input saturation: application to engine control. IET Control Theory & Applications, 8 (17), pp. 1789-1802. [IF=3.19] [DOI=10.1049/iet-cta.2014.0398].

Fratu A., Dambrine M. (2013). An analysis of the robot collision avoidance using the programming through imitation. Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, 8(2), pp. 111-116, ISSN 2067-9238

Delmotte F., Dambrine M., Delrot S., Lalot S. (2013). Fouling Detection in a Heat Exchanger: a Polynomial Fuzzy Observer Approach. Control Engineering Practice, 21 (10), pp. 1386-1395, ISSN 0967-0661. [IF=1.669] [DOI=10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.06.004].

Fratu A., Dambrine M., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A. (2013). An analysis of the reciprocal collision avoidance of cooperative robots. Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, 1 (3), pp. 75-84 [DOI=10.11648 / j.acis.20130103.17].

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Defoort M. (2012). Output feedback controller design of a unicycle-type mobile robot with delayed measurements. IET Control Theory & Applications, 6 (5), pp. 1-9. [IF=1.717]

Delrot S., Guerra T.-M., Dambrine M., Delmotte F. (2012). Fouling Detection in a Heat Exchanger by Unknown Input Observer of Takagi-Sugeno type. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25 (8), pp. 1558-1566. [IF=1.655]

Lauber J., Guerra T.-M., Dambrine M. (2011). Air-fuel ratio control in a gasoline engine. International Journal of Systems Sciences, 42 (2), pp. 277 - 286

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Klancar G., Blazic S. (2010). PDC Control Design for Non-holonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots with Delayed Outputs. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 60 (3), pp. 395-414 [DOI=10.1007/s10846-010-9420-0].

Fridman E., Dambrine M. (2009). Control under quantization, saturation and delay: An LMI approach. Automatica, 45(10), pp. 2258-2264, ISSN 0005-1098

Blazic S., Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Klancar G. (2009). The problems of camera measurements in tracking-error fuzzy control of mobile robots. WSEAS Transaction on Systems, Issue 4, Volume 8, pp. pp. 441-450

Fridman E., Dambrine M., Yeganefar N. (2008). On Input to State Stability of systems with time-delay: A matrix inequalities approach. Automatica, 44(9), pp. 2364-2369, ISSN 0005-1098

Moulay E., Dambrine M., Yeganefar N., Perruquetti W. (2008). Finite-time stability and stabilization of time-delay systems. Systems & Control Letters, 57(7), pp. 561-566, ISSN 0167-6911

Yeganefar N., Pepe P., Dambrine M. (2008). Input-to-state stability of time-delay systems: a link with exponential stability. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53(6), pp. 1526-1531, ISSN 0018-9286

Revue nationale avec comité de lecture

Fratu A., Dambrine M. (2013). Analyze of a collision avoidance strategy for cooperative robots. Bulletin AGIR, 3, pp. 7-12, ISSN 1224-7928

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2014). Design and Control of Force Feedback Haptic Systems with Time Delay. In T. Vyhlídal, J.-F. Lafay, R. Sipahi, Delay Systems -From Theory to Numerics and Applications, Springer, pp. , ISBN 978-3-319-01694-8

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Klancar G. (2010). Path Planning and Path tracking of industrial mobile robotics. industrial systems: modeling, automation and adaptive Behavior, G.G. Rigatos, pp. 84-124

Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Dehak A., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2023). A Reduced-Complexity Polytopic Control Approach for Uncertain quasi-LPV Descriptor Systems. 22nd IFAC World Congress, 56-2, IFAC PapersOnLine, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 2176-2181, juillet . [DOI=10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1124].

Perruquetti W., Espitia N., Dambrine M. (2020). A note on non asymptotic stabilization of linear time delay systems. 59th Conference on Decision and Control -, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, décembre .

Dehak A., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2020). Reduced-complexity affine representation for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, juillet .

Dehak A., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2019). Disturbance-observer based tracking control of industrial SCARA robot manipulators. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics, Lisbon, Portugal, octobre .

Nguyen thi V., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2018). A Robust Descriptor Approach for Nonlinear Tracking Control of Serial Robots. 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2018),, Fontainebleau, Miami Beach, FL, USA, décembre .

Nguyen thi V., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2018). LMI-based 2-DoF control design of a manipulator via T-S descriptor approach. 12th IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOT CONTROL (SYROCO 2018), Budapest, Hungary, août .

Nguyen thi V., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Nguyen A.-T., Dambrine M., Cung L. (2018). Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy descriptor approach for trajectory control of a 2-DoF serial manipulator. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Wuhan, China, janvier .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2015). Design of Stabilizing Controller for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems under Input Saturation. American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, juillet .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2015). Multi-objective Synthesis for Takagi-Sugeno Model Subject to Input Saturation via Dynamic Output Feedback Controller. European Control Conference 2015, Linz, Austria, juillet .

Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2015). Simultaneous LMI-based Design of Dynamic Output Feedback Controller and Anti-Windup Compensator for Constrained Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Subject to Persistent Disturbances. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, janvier .

Dang Q., Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2014). Design and Implementation of a Robust Fuzzy Controller for a Rotary Inverted Pendulum using the TS Descriptor Representation. International IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A, décembre .

Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2014). Step-crossing control of two-wheeled transporter based on Takagi-Sugeno approach: comparison between state and descriptor form. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2014), Antibes/Nice, France, octobre .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2014). Application of a Novel Structure with Observer for Force-feedback Haptic System under Variable Time Delay. IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2014), Antibes/Nice, France, octobre .

Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2014). Step-crossing feasibility of two-wheeled transporter: Analysis based on Takagi-Sugeno descriptor approach. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, octobre .

Nguyen A.-T., Sugeno M., Dambrine M., Lauber J. (2014). Feedback Linearization Based Control Approach for Turbocharged Air System of SI Engine: Toward a Fuel-Optimal Strategy. Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 2994-2999, août . [DOI=10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.01281].

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2014). Experimental Study on Stability of a Haptic System with Variable Time-Delays. IEEE/ASME AIM 2014 International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Besançon, France, juillet .

Fratu A., Dambrine M. (2013). An analysis of the robot collision avoidance using the programming through imitation. The International Conference on Manufacturing Systems - ICMaS 2013, Bucharest, Romania, novembre .

Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2013). Robust Control of Two-wheeled Self-balanced Transporter on Sloping Ground: A Takagi-Sugeno Descriptor Approach. International Conference on Systems and Control, Algers, Algérie, octobre .

Fratu A., Dambrine M. (2013). Analyze of a collision avoidance strategy for cooperative robots. 5th International Symposium on Electrical Engineering and Energy Converters, Suceava,Romania, septembre .

Tran V., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2013). H_inf launch control of a dry dual clutch transmission based on uncertain TS model. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2013), Hyderabad, India, juillet .

Tran V., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2013). H_inf gearshift control of a dual clutch based on uncertain TS models. American Control Conference, Washington DC, juin .

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2013). Multi-objective control Design for Turbocharged Gasoline air System: a Switching Takagi-Sugeno Model approach. American Control Conference, Washington DC, June 17-19, 2013, juin .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2013). Control of Haptic Systems with Time-varying Delay: a Novel Approach. IFAC Joint conference SSSC, TDS, FDA, Grenoble, France, février .

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2013). Optimal Design of a High Performance Haptic Device: a Novel Approach. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Vicenza, Italy, février .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2012). Analyzing Stability of Haptic Interface using Linear Matrix Inequality Approach. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Guangzhou, China, décembre .

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Robust H-inf Control Design for Switching Uncertain System: Application for Turbocharged Gasoline Air System Control. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, Hawaii, décembre .

Dang Q., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2012). Improved LMI Conditions for Stability Analysis of Discrete-time haptic system under time-varying communication delays. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, novembre .

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Robust H-inf Control for the Turbocharged Air System Using the Multiple Model Approach. 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON12), Montreal, Canada, octobre .

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Modeling and switching fuzzy control of the air path of a turbocharged spark ignition engine. IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling (E-COSM'12), Rueil-Malmaison, France, octobre .

Tran V., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Sliding mode control of a dual clutch during lurch. International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Automation, Hanoi, août .

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Bouri M., Dambrine M. (2012). Stabilité des interfaces haptiques: effets du retard et des modes vibratoires. IEEE 7ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Grenoble, France, juillet .

Tran V., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Commande à mode glissant d'un double embrayage en phase de décollage. 7ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Grenoble, France, juillet .

Nguyen A.-T., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2012). Switching fuzzy control of the air system of a turbocharged gasoline engine. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Brisbane, Australia, juin .

Delrot S., Busawon K., Djemai M., Delmotte F., Dambrine M. (2011). Fouling Detection in Heat Exchangers. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, septembre .

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2011). Stability analysis of 1 DOF haptic interface: time delay and vibration modes effects. International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, Rome, Italy, septembre .

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Fratu A., Dambrine M. (2011). Stability analysis of haptic interfaces: effects of dynamic parameters. 8th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Brasov, Romania, juin .

Delrot S., Busawon K., Djemai M., Delmotte F., Dambrine M. (2010). Monitoring of thermal efficiency in heat exchangers. EFEEA'10 International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies in Electrical Applications, Ghardaïa, Algeria, novembre .

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2010). Suivi de trajectoire d'un robot mobile non holonome en présence de retards sur les mesures. IEEE CIFA, Nancy, France, juin .

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Klancar G., Blazic S. (2009). Discrete PDC control design with observer for trajectory tracking of non-holonomic mobile robot. ICONS, Istambul, Turkey, octobre .

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Blazic S., Klancar G. (2009). Tracking-error model-based PDC control for mobile robots with acceleration limits. FUZZ-IEEE, Jeju, Korea, août .

Blazic S., Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M., Klancar G. (2009). Some performance issues in tracking-error fuzzy control of mobile robots. 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS, Prague, République Tchèque, pp. pp. 110-115, janvier .

Delmotte F., Delrot S., Lalot S., Dambrine M. (2008). Fouling detection in heat exchangers with fuzzy models. ISTP-19, Reykjavik, Iceland, août .

Delrot S., Delmotte F., Lalot S., Dambrine M. (2008). Fouling detection in heat exchangers with fuzzy models. 19th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena, Reykjavic, Iceland, août .

Fridman E., Dambrine M. (2008). Control under Quantization, Saturation and Delay: A LMI Approach. IFAC World Congress, Seoul (South Korea), juillet .

Guechi E.-H., Lauber J., Dambrine M. (2008). On-line moving-obstacle avoidance using piecewise Bezier curves with unknown obstacle trajectory. IEEE MED, Ajaccio, France, juin .

Fridman E., Dambrine M., Yeganefar N. (2008). On matrix inequalities approach to input to state stability. IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, TDS 07, Nantes, janvier .

Yeganefar N., Dambrine M., Yeganefar N. (2008). Relation between Exponential Stability and Input-to-State Stability of Time-Delay Systems. American Control Conf, ACC'07, New York, janvier .

Yeganefar N., Pepe P., Dambrine M. (2007). Input-to-state stability of time-delay systems: a link with exponential stability. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control –CDC07, New Orleans, décembre .

Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture

Dehak A., Nguyen A.-T., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2020). Stability Analysis of TS Systems via Reduced-Complexity Affine Representation. LFA 2020, Cépaduès editions, Sète, France, pp. 109-114, octobre ., ISBN 9782364938663

Nguyen thi V., Nguyen A.-T., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M., Cung L. (2018). Synthèse LMI pour la commande d'un robot manipulateur à 2ddl par l'approche descripteur TS. LFA 2018, Arras, France, novembre .

Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2014). Franchissement d'obstacle d'un gyropode : comparaison entre deux approches TS. LFA 2014, Cargèse, Corse, octobre .

Allouche B., Vermeiren L., Dequidt A., Dambrine M. (2013). Modélisation TS sous forme descripteur et commande d'un pendule inversé à deux roues. LFA 2013, Reims, octobre .

Séminaire et autres communications

Dang Q., Dequidt A., Vermeiren L., Dambrine M. (2014). Conception optimale et commande d'une interface haptique à retour d'effort. Séminaire GdR MACS GT Systèmes A Retards (SAR), LSS-Supelec, Paris, septembre .

Delprat S., Lauber J., Paganelli S., Guerra T.-M., Dambrine M. (2011). Clean Transportation is on the Road of Nonlinear Control Modeling, Observation, Control and Diagnosis of Systems. Séminaire Académique Bilatéral Mexique-France sur la Recherche et l'Innovation dans les Transports, Mexico, mai .