Bâtiment CISIT

Responsabilités pédagogiques
- Enseignant à L'ENSIAME
Revue internationale avec comité de lecture
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2024). Review of non-penetrating ballistic testing techniques for protection assessment: From biological data to numerical and physical surrogates. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine [DOI=].
Poulet T., Bracq A., Demarty Y., Lauro F., Bahlouli N. (2023). Strain rate sensitivity of the in-plane mechanical properties of two UHMWPE thin ply composites. Polymer Testing, 127, pp. 108187. [IF=4.931] [DOI=].
Poulet T., Bracq A., Demarty Y., Delille R., Lauro F., Bahlouli N. (2023). Efficient method to predict the strain rate sensitivity of an UHMWPE thin ply composite. Materials letters, pp. 135081. [IF=3.574] [DOI=].
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). A new biomechanical FE model for blunt thoracic impact. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, pp. 1152508. [IF=6.064] [DOI=].
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). Advancement in numerical modelling of synthetic gel for ballistic impact assesment. Materials letters, 135077. [IF=3.574] [DOI=10.1016/j.matlet.2023.135077].
Proy J., Massa F., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Tison T., Spingler G. (2022). Experimental investigations for variability quantification of vibration response of short(-natural)-fiber-reinforced polypropylene. POLYMER COMPOSITES, 43(11), pp. 8499-8506. [IF=3.531] [DOI=].
Potaufeux J., Rapp G., Barrau S., Liu G., Zhang C., Giannelis E., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Odent J., Therias S. (2022). Influence of photooxidation on ionic reversible interactions of ionic poly(ether urethane)/silica hybrids. Polymer Degradation and Stability [DOI=].
Potaufeux J., Odent J., Notta-Cuvier D., Barrau S., Magnani C., Delille R., Zhang C., Liu G., Giannelis E., Muller A., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M. (2021). Mastering Superior Performance Origins of Ionic Polyurethane/Silica Hybrids. Applied Polymer Materials. [IF=4.089] [DOI=].
Proy J., Massa F., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Tison T., Spingler G. (2021). Integrating fibers and injection molding process variability in short-natural-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics behavior:A review. materialstoday COMMUNICATIONS, 29. [IF=3.383] [DOI=].
Taddei L., Bracq A., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Roth S. (2021). Effect of blast loading on the risk of rib fractures:a preliminary 3D numerical investigation. Forensic Science International, 326, pp. 110930. [IF=2.108] [DOI=].
Dorleans V., Delille R., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Michau E. (2021). Time temperature superposition in viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity for thermoplastics. POLYMER TESTING, 101. [IF=4.282] [DOI=].
Bracq A., Delille R., Maréchal C., Bourel B., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2021). On the use of a SEBS polymer gel block as a new ballistic target to assess blunt ballistic impacts : application to a wide range of LLKE projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 153. [IF=4.208] [DOI=].
Dagorn N., Portemont G., Berthe J., Rasselet F., Bourel B., Lauro F. (2021). Development of a mixed mode double cantilever beam specimen for the fracture characterization of adhesives under high displacement rate. Engineering fracture mechanics, 242. [IF=3.426] [DOI=10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107467].
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F., Chaari F., Zouari B., Maalej Y. (2021). A pragmatic approach for modelling the viscoelastic-viscoplatic behaviour of short-fibre reinforced thermoplastics coupled with anisotropic damage. Applied Composite Materials, 28 (2), pp. 341-368. [IF=2.199] [DOI=10.1007/s10443-020-09855].
Dagorn N., Portemont G., Joudon V., Bourel B., Lauro F. (2020). Fracture rate dependency of an adhesive under dynamic loading. Engineering fracture mechanics, 235, pp. 107082. [IF=3.426]
Potaufeux J., Odent J., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M. (2020). A comprehensive review of the structures and properties of ionic polymeric materials. Polymer Chemistry, 11, pp. 5914-5936 [DOI=10.1039/D0PY00770F].
Leconte N., Bourel B., Lauro F., Badulescu C., Markiewicz é. (2020). Strength and failure of an aluminum/PA66 self-piercing riveted assembly at low and moderate loading rates: experiments and modeling. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 142, pp. 103587. [IF=3.173] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2020.103587].
Potaufeux J., Odent J., Notta-Cuvier D., Delille R., Barrau S., Giannelis E., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M. (2020). Mechanistic insights on ultra-tough polylactide-based ionic nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology. [IF=6.309] [DOI=10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108075].
Bracq A., Maréchal C., Delille R., Bourel B., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2019). A numerical analysis of the risk of rib fractures during blunt ballistic impacts on a human thorax. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 22, pp. 248-250. [IF=1.61]
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Delille R., Haugou G., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2019). Performance over a wide range of strain rate of polypropylene reinforced by short alfa fibres. Polymer Composites. Polymer Composites, 40 (7), pp. 2850-2862. [IF=1.943]
Bracq A., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Haugou G., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2019). Numerical Recreation of Field Cases on a Biofidelic Human FE Model Involving Deformable Less-Lethal Projectiles. Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety [DOI=].
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2019). Viscoelastic-viscoplastic model for short-fiber-reinforced composites with complex fibre orientation. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 160, pp. 516-528. [IF=1.196] [DOI=].
Bracq A., Haugou G., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2018). On the modeling of a visco-hyperelastic polymer gel under blunt ballistic impacts. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 118, pp. 7890. [IF=2.938] [DOI=].
Bracq A., Haugou G., Bourel B., Delille R., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2018). Characterization of a visco-hyperelastic synthetic gel for ballistic impacts assessment. Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1, pp. 109-113
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2017). Modelling and characterisation of dynamic behaviour of short-fibre-reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 160, pp. 516-528. [IF=3.853] [DOI=].
Bouzouita A., Notta-Cuvier D., Delille R., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Dubois P. (2017). Design of toughened PLA based material for application in structures subjected to severe loading conditions. Part 2. Quasi-static tensile tests and dynamic mechanical analysis at ambient and moderately high temperature. Polymer Testing, 57, pp. 235-244. [IF=2.35] [DOI=doi : 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2016.11.034].
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2017). Modelling of the intralaminar matrix damage with friction effects of fabric reinforced polymers. Composites Part B: Engineering, 111, pp. 60-73. [IF=3.85] [DOI=].
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Haugou G., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2017). Constitutive modelling of the strain-rate dependency of fabric reinforced polymers. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 108, pp. 361-369. [IF=2.646] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2017.04.010].
Bracq A., Haugou G., Delille R., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2017). Experimental study of the strain rate dependence of a synthetic gel for ballistic blunt trauma assessment. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 72, pp. 138147. [IF=3.11] [DOI=doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.04.027].
Bouzouita A., Notta-Cuvier D., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2017). Poly (lactic acid)-based materials for automotive applications. Industrial Applications of Poly (lactic acid), pp. 177-219
Notta-Cuvier D., Bouzouita A., Delille R., Haugou G., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2016). Design of toughened PLA based material for application in structures subjected to severe loading conditions. Part 1. Quasi-static and dynamic tensile tests at ambient temperature. Polymer Testing, 54, pp. 233-243. [IF=2.35]
Dufour L., Bourel B., Lauro F., Haugou G., Leconte N. (2016). A viscoelastic-viscoplastic model with non associative plasticity for the modelling of bonded joints at high strain rates. International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 70, pp. 304-314. [IF=1.956]
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F., Delille R., Chaari F., Robache F., Haugou G., Maalej Y. (2016). Coupled influence of strain rate and heterogeneous fibre orientation on the mechanical behaviour of short-glass-fibre reinforced polypropylene. Mechanics of Materials, 100, pp. 186-197, ISSN 0167-6636. [IF=2.636] [DOI=10.1016/j.mechmat.2016.06.013].
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B., Nciri M. (2016). Impact of natural variability of flax fibres properties on mechanical behaviour of short-flax-fibre-reinforced polypropylene. Journal of Materials Science, 51(6), pp. 2911-2925, ISSN 0022-2461. [IF=2.371] [DOI=10.1007/s10853-015-9599-3].
Bouzouita A., Samuel C., Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Lauro F., Dubois P., Raquez J.-M. (2016). Design of highly tough poly(L-lactide)-based ternary blends for automotive applications. Journal of applied polymer science, 43402, pp. 1-9, ISSN 1097-4628. [IF=1.768] [DOI=10.1002/app.43402].
Notta-Cuvier D., Murariu M., Odent J., Delille R., Bouzouita A., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2015). Tailoring Polylactide Properties for Automotive Applications: Effects of Co-Addition of Halloysite Nanotubes and Selected Plasticizer. Macromolecular materials and engineering, 300(7), pp. 684698, ISSN 1438-7492. [IF=2.781] [DOI=10.1002/mame.201500032].
Notta-Cuvier D., Langrand B., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2015). An innovative procedure for characterising a coupled elastoplastic damage model of behaviour using the Virtual Fields Method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 69-70, pp. 415-427, ISSN 0020-7683. [IF=2.035] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.05.009].
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2015). Modelling of progressive fibre/matrix debonding in short-fibre reinforced composites up to failure. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 66, pp. 140-150, ISSN 0020-7683. [IF=2.035] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.03.034].
Odent J., Raquez J.-M., Leclère P., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2015). Crystallization-induced toughness of rubber-modified polylactide: combined effects of biodegradable impact modifier and effective nucleating agent. Polymers Advanced Technologies, 26, pp. 814-822, ISSN 1042-7147. [IF=1.964] [DOI=10.1002/pat.3513].
Odent J., Raquez J.-M., Thomassin J.-M., Gloaguen J.-M., Lauro F., Jérôme C., Lefebvre J.-M., Dubois P. (2015). Mechanistic insights on nanosilica self-networking inducing ultra-toughness of rubber-modified polylactide-based materials. Nanocomposites, 00, pp. 1-13, ISSN 2055-0324 [DOI=10.1179/2055033215Y.0000000005].
Morin D., Haugou G., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B. (2015). Elasto-viscoplasticity Behaviour of a Structural Adhesive Under Compression Loadings at Low, Moderate and High Strain Rates. Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1, pp. 124-135, ISSN 2199-7446 [DOI=10.1007/s40870-015-0010-x].
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Haugou G., Chaari F., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Damage at high strain rates in semi-crystalline polymers. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 76, pp. 1-8, ISSN 0734-743X. [IF=2.01] [DOI=10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2014.08.013].
Joudon V., Portemont G., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2014). Experimental procedure to characterize the mode I dynamic fracture toughness of advanced epoxy resins. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 126, pp. 166177, ISSN 0013-7944. [IF=1.413] [DOI=10.1016/j.engfracmech.2014.05.010].
Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Delille R., Murariu M., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Bennani B., Dubois P. (2014). Tailoring polylactide (PLA) properties for automotive applications: Effect of addition of designed additives on main mechanical properties. Polymer Testing, 36, pp. 1-9, ISSN 0142-9418. [IF=1.646]
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2014). Non-associated viscoplasticity coupled with an integral-type nonlocal damage model for mineral filled semi-crystalline polymers. Computers and Structures, 134, pp. 18-31, ISSN 0045-7949. [IF=1.509]
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2014). An original approach for mechanical modelling of short-fibre reinforced composites with complex distributions of fibre orientation. Composites: Part A, 62, pp. 60-66, ISSN 1359-835X. [IF=2.744]
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B., Balieu R. (2014). Damage of short-fibre reinforced materials with anisotropy induced by complex fibres orientations. Mechanics of Materials, 68, pp. 193-206, ISSN 0167-6636. [IF=1.936]
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B., Balieu R. (2013). An efficient modelling of inelastic composites with misaligned short fibres. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(19), pp. 2857-2871, ISSN 0020-7683. [IF=1.871]
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Delille R., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2013). A fully coupled elastoviscoplastic damage model at finite strains for mineral filled semi-crystalline polymer. International Journal of Plasticity, 51, pp. 241-270, ISSN 0749-6419. [IF=4.356]
Morin D., Bourel B., Bennani B., Lauro F., Lesueur D. (2013). A new cohesive element for structural bonding modelling under dynamic loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 53, pp. 94-105, ISSN 0734-743X. [IF=1.681]
Notta-Cuvier D., Langrand B., Markiewicz é., Lauro F., Portemont G. (2012). Identification of Johnson-Cook's viscoplastic model parameters using the Virtual Fields Method: application to Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. Strain, 49, pp. 22-45, ISSN 0039-2103. [IF=0.619]
Hubert C., Dubar L., Dubar M., Dubois A., Lauro F., Morin D. (2011). A non-associative flow rate formulation for Lemaitre's damage model. Steel Research International, pp. 889-894, ISSN 1611-3683. [IF=0.73]
Morin D., Haugou G., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2011). Experimental characterization of a toughened epoxy adhesive under a large range of strain rates. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 25(13), pp. 15811602, ISSN 0169-4243. [IF=0.948]
Epee A., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B. (2011). Constitutive model for a semi-crystalline polymer under dynamic loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48(10), pp. 1590-1599, ISSN 0020-7683. [IF=1.857]
Morin D., Haugou G., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2010). Identification of a new failure criterion for toughened epoxy adhesive. Engineering fracture mechanics, 77(17), pp. 3481-3500, ISSN 0013-7944. [IF=1.571]
Lauro F., Bennani B., Morin D., Epee A. (2010). The SEE method for determination of behavior laws for strain rate dependent material: application to polymer material. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37(6), pp. 715-722, ISSN 0734-743X. [IF=1.522]
Bennani B., Lauro F. (2006). Damage models and identification procedures for crashworthiness of automotive light materials. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 3(1), pp. 75-87, ISSN 1679-7817
Zouari B., Lauro F., Bennani B., Markiewicz é., Even D., Cornette D. (2006). Efficiency and identification procedures of damage models in dynamic. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 11(6), pp. 583-592, ISSN 1358-8265
Croix P., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2004). Anisotropic damage for crashworthiness of vehicles. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 9, pp. 299-309
Pickett A., Pyttel T., Payen F., Lauro F., Petrinic N., Werner H., Christlein J. (2004). Failure prediction for advanced crashworthiness of transportation vehicles. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 30, pp. 853-872
Croix P., Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J. (2003). Damage and rupture of anisotropic metals for the dynamic and the crash of vehicles. Journal de Physique IV, 110, pp. 675-680
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Christlein J. (2003). Improvement of damage prediction by anisotropy of microvoids. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 143-144, pp. 202-208
Lauro F., Oudin J. (2003). Static and dynamic behaviour of a polypropylene for bumpers. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 8, pp. 553-558
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J. (2002). Anisotropic damage for aluminium. International Journal of Forming Processes, 5, pp. 269-285
Lauro F., Bennani B., Croix P., Oudin J. (2001). Identification of the damage parameters for anisotropic materials by inverse technique: application to an aluminium. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 118, pp. 472-477
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Christlein J. (2001). Anisotropic damage applied to numerical ductile rupture. Revue Européenne des éléments finis, 10, pp. 311-326
Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J., Ni X. (1998). Damage occurrence under dynamic loading for anisotropic strain rate sensitive materials. Shock and Vibration, 5, pp. 43-51
Lauro F., Bennani B., Drazetic P., Oudin J. (1997). Damage occurrence under dynamic loading for strain rate sensitive materials. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 13, pp. 113-126
Lauro F., Bennani B., Drazetic P., Oudin J. (1997). Ductile damage and fracture finite element modelling of elasto-viscoplastic voided materials. Computational Materials Science, 7, pp. 295-307
Coordination d'ouvrage
Markiewicz é., Lauro F. (2013). Special issue based on contributions at the 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures - International Journal of Impact Engineering, , 53. Elsevier Science, ISBN 0734-743X
Actes de congrès organisé par le LAMIH
Bourel B., Canaple B., Chaari F., Coutellier D., Haugou G., Kaczmarek R., Lauro F., Markiewicz é., Naceur H., Rahmoun J. (2011). 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011). , Valenciennes, France
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Demarty Y., Lefèbvre M., Notta-Cuvier D., Bahlouli N., Lauro F. (2024). Dynamic behavior of bio-based materials Fundamentals, Material models and Microstructure effects. Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Mikko Hokka, Elsevier, pp. 633-680 [DOI=].
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2024). The use of human surrogate for the assessment of ballistic impacts on the thorax. Dynamic Behavior of materials, 1, pp. 121-128 [DOI=].
Bracq A., Haugou G., Bourel B., Delille R., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2018). Characterization of a Visco-Hyperelastic Synthetic Gel for Ballistic Impacts Assessment. Kimberley J., Lamberson L., Mates S. (eds), 1, Dynamic Behavior of Materials, pp. 109-113 [DOI=10.1007/978-3-319-62956-8_19].
Notta-Cuvier D., Bouzouita A., Odent J., Delille R., Murariu M., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Haugou G., Dubois P. (2018). L'acide polylactique (PLA) pour des applications automobiles. Edition des Techniques de l'Ingénieur, RE 273, pp.
Bouzouita A., Notta-Cuvier D., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2017). Poly(lactic acid)-Based Materials for Automotive Applications. Advances in Polymer Science, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. [DOI=].
Morin D., Haugou G., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2011). Elasto-viscoplasticity behaviour of a structural adhesive under compression loadings. Dynamic behavior of materials, 1, T. Proulx (Eds.), pp. 369-377 [DOI=10.1007/978-4419-8228-5_55].
Croix P., Bennani B., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2005). Crashworthiness of automotive light materials: magnesium, aluminium and high strength steel. Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures. , M. Alves and N. Jones (Eds), pp. , ISBN 1-84564-159-0.
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Christlein J. (2003). Anisotropic damage applied to numerical ductile rupture. Numerical Modelling in Damage Mechanics, Saanouni K., Troyes (France), pp. 52-66, ISBN 1-9039-9619-8
Conférence internationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Poulet T., Demarty Y., Respaud P., Beugels J., Lauro F., Bahlouli N. (2024). Correlating mechanical properties with ballistic performances of UHMWPE composites: a comprehensive analysis. LWAG 2024, Rocamadour France, juin .
Poulet T., Bracq A., Demarty Y., Delille R., Lauro F., Bahlouli N. (2023). Efficient method to predict the strain rate sensitivity of an UHMWPE thin ply composites. 27th DYMAT Technical Meeting 2023, Colmar (France), novembre .
Bahlouli N., Lefebvre M., Notta-Cuvier D., Demarty Y., Lauro F. (2023). Dynamic behavior of bio-based fibers and composites materials. 27th DYMAT Technical Meeting 2023, Colmar (France), novembre .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). Advancements in numerical modelling of synthetic gel for ballistic impact assesment. 27th DYMAT Technical Meeting 2023, Colmar (France), novembre .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). Development of a physical human thorax surrogate dedicated to blunt ballistic impacts. The 16th International Personal Armour Systems Symposium, Dresde (Allemagne), septembre .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). The use of human surrogate for the assessment of ballistic impacts on the thorax. 2023 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orlando (Etats-Unis), juin .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). A new biomechanical physical surrogate for thoracic blunt impact. 11th Symposium on Non-Lethal weapons, Bruxelles (Belgique), mai .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2023). Toward a physical human thorax surrogate dedicated to blunt ballistic impacts based on FE simulations. 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Paris (France), mai .
Poulet T., Bracq A., Demarty Y., Respaud P., Beugels J., Bahlouli N., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2022). Characterisation and modelling of the in-plane mechanical behaviour of two UHMWPE composites over a wide range of strain rates. Light-Weight Armour for Defense LWAG 2022, Freiburg (Allemagne), septembre .
Dorleans V., Delille R., Lauro F., Notta-Cuvier D., Michau E. (2022). Failure characterization for polymers at different strain rate and temperature. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM), Trondheim (Norway), juin .
Leconte N., Bourel B., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2022). Characterization and modelling of the fast dynamics strength of a Pa66/Aluminum SPR assembly. rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM 2022), Trondheim, Norway, juin .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Roth S. (2022). Development of a simplified human thoracic FE model for blunt impact and related trauma. 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Porto (PORTUGAL), janvier .
Bracq A., Bourel B., Delille R., Maréchal C., Haugou G., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O., Bir C. (2020). Numerical recreation of police field cases on a human body FE model : first insights into BABT. PASS2020 Personal Armour System Symposium, Copenhague Danemark, octobre .
Lauro F., Bourel B., Haugou G., Leconte N. (2020). Dynamic failure of crash adhesives in an industrial context. International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives. IAA2020, Funchal (Portugal), mars .
Dorleans V., Lauro F., Delille R., Notta-Cuvier D., Michau E. (2020). A Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Characterization with Time Temperature Superposition for Polymer Under Large Strain Rates. Leslie E. Lamberson, Dynamic Behavior of Materials DYMAT, 1, Springer, pp. 103-110, janvier .
Dagorn N., Joudon V., Bourel B., Lauro F., Portemont G. (2019). Fracture Behaviour of an Adhesive under Mixed Mode Dynamic Loading. Conference Experimental Mechanics, SEM2019, Reno (USA), décembre .
Bracq A., Delille R., Maréchal C., Bourel B., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2019). A numerical analysis of the risk of rib fractures during blunt ballistic impacts on a human thorax. 44ème Congrès Société de Biomécanique, Poitiers (France), octobre .
Xu W., Xu Y., Treutenaere S., Lauro F. (2019). Nondestrucdive evaluation of delamination cracks in textile composites by using 3-dimensional reconstruction from acoustical imaging. Proceedings of meetings an acoustics, POMA, International Congress on Ultrasonics, 38, ASA (Acoustical Society of America), Bruges (Belgium), septembre .
Dorleans V., Lauro F., Delille R., Notta-Cuvier D., Michau E. (2019). A viscoelastic-viscoplastic characterisation with time temperature superposition for polymer under large strain rates. Society for Experimental Mechanics - SEM 2019, Reno, USA, juin .
Dorleans V., Delille R., Lauro F., Notta-Cuvier D., Bourel B., Haugou G., Bennani B., Morvan H., Michau E. (2019). A viscoelastic-viscoplastic time temperature equivalence for thermoplastics. 12th European LS-DYNA Conference, Koblenz (Germany), mai .
Bracq A., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Haugou G., Lauro F., Mauzac O. (2019). Numerical recreation of field cases on a biofidelic human FE model involving deformable less-lethal projectiles. European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, Brussels (Belgium), mai .
Potaufeux J., Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Dubois P. (2018). Organic-inorganic ionic polylactide based hybrids. 10th ECNP International Conference on Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, San Sebastian (Espagne), octobre .
Potaufeux J., Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Dubois P. (2018). Organic-inorganic ionic polylactide based hybrids. 6th Young Polymer Scientists Conference, San Sebastian (Espagne), octobre .
Dagorn N., Joudon V., Portemont G., Bourel B., Lauro F. (2018). Development of a new apparatus for the determination of the energy release rate under mixed mode dynamic loading. 12th European Adhesion Conference and 4th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives (EURADH/CLBA2018), Lisbon, Portugal, septembre .
Treutenaere S., Bourel B., Lauro F., Albouy W., Ortiz R. (2018). A robust material model for adhesive bonding under high speed impact. 12th European Adhesion Conference and 4th Luso-Brazilian Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives (EURADH/CLBA2018), septembre .
Bracq A., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Haugou G., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2018). Behind armour blunt trauma assessment by means of experimental and numerical approaches. Personal Armour Systems Symposium, Washington D.C, USA, septembre .
Bracq A., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Haugou G., Lauro F., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2018). Risk of rib fractures assessment during kinetic energy projectile impact through experiments and modelling on a human torso FE model. Personal Armour Systems Symposium, Washington D.C, USA, septembre .
Dorleans V., Lauro F., Delille R., Treutenaere S., Notta-Cuvier D., Bennani B., Haugou G., Bourel B., Michau E., Thoby J.-D. (2018). Time temperature equivalence for a mineral filled polymer for automotive applications. 12th International DYMAT Conference, Arcachon (France), septembre .
Dagorn N., Joudon V., Portemont G., Bourel B., Lauro F. (2018). Characterization of the mixed mode fracture behavior of an adhesive under dynamic loading. 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, ICEM18, Bruxelles (Belgique), juillet .
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Delille R., Robache F., Haugou G. (2018). Modelling of damageable strain-rate-dependent behaviour of short fibre reinforced thermoplastics. 2nd International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM), Xi'an (Chine), mai .
Bourel B., Lauro F., Leconte N., Haugou G., Dufour L. (2017). Macroscopic modeling of the adhesive joints behavior and failure under dynamic loadings. 4th International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding (AB2017), Porto, Portugal, juillet .
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F., Maalej Y., Chaari F., Zouari B. (2017). A dynamic model of behaviour of short-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics taking into account the natural variability of constitutive, geometrical and mechanical properties of vegetal fibres. 3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF), Braga, Portugal, juin .
Bracq A., Haugou G., Delille R., Lauro F., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Roth S., Mauzac O. (2017). Characterization of a visco-hyperelastic synthetic gel for ballistic impacts assessment. Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Indianapolis, USA, juin .
Ngueveu Y., Miyagano S., Lauro F., Balieu R. (2017). Modelling of ductile polymer model for crash application. 11th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Salzburg, Austria, mai .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Haugou G., Xu W., Mottola E., Matsumoto T. (2017). Numerical evaluation of low speed impact behaviour of a fabric layered composite plate in an industrial context. 11th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Salzburg, Austria, mai .
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Zouari B., Maalej Y. (2016). A model for non-linear dynamic behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. A3M'2016, Hammamet, Tunisia, décembre .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Xu W., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2016). Numerical and experimental evaluation of the damage induced by a low-speed impact on a composite plate in an industrial context. ICILSM, Torino, Italia, mai .
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2016). Modeling non-linear strain rate dependent behaviour of short-fibre reinforced composites. ICILSM, Torino, Italia, mai .
Bouzouita A., Raquez J.-M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Dubois P. (2016). Effect of annealing process, stereocomplexation and nucleation on performances of highly tough Polylactide-based materials for automotive applications. 14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining, ISBBB2016, Guelph, Canada, mai .
Lauro F., Balieu R., Bennani B., Haugou G., Bourel B., Chaari F., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Damage characterization for particles filled semi-crystalline polymer. DYMAT, Lugano, Switzerland, septembre . [DOI=10.1051/epjconf/20159401009].
Dufour L., Bourel B., Lauro F., Haugou G., Leconte N., Carrere N. (2015). Failure stress criterion for adhesively bonded joint at different strain. DYMAT, Lugano, Switzerland, septembre . [DOI=10.1051/epjconf/20159401024].
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Zouari B., Maalej Y. (2015). A viscoelastic-viscoplastic model for short-fibre reinforced polymers with complex fibre orientations. DYMAT, Lugano, Switzerland, septembre . [DOI=10.1051/epjconf/20159404008].
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Finite strain formulation of viscoelastic damage model for simulation of fabric reinforced polymers under dynamic loading. DYMAT, Lugano, Switzerland, septembre . [DOI=10.1051/epjconf/20159404011].
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Material model of layered fabric composites with delamination prediction for impact simulations using standard Reissner-Mindlin shell formulation. ICCM20, 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, juillet .
Carrere N., Alphonso L., Badulescu C., Dufour L., Bourel B., Lauro F. (2015). Modelisation of the failure of adhesively bonded structures : Validation against experimental data. 3rd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding, Porto, Portugal, juillet .
Dufour L., Bourel B., Lauro F., Haugou G., Leconte N., Carrere N. (2015). A new arcan test device for dynamic loadings of adhesively bonded joints. 3rd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding, Porto, Portugal, juillet .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Strain rate dependant damage material model of layered fabric composites with delamination prediction for impact simulations. 10th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Wurzburg, Germany, juin .
Bouzouita A., Samuel C., Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Dubois P. (2015). Development of toughened PLLA/PMMA bio-based materials for automotive applications. Eurofillers Polymer Blends, Montpellier (France), avril .
Lauro F., Balieu R., Bennani B., Haugou G., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2014). Experimental behaviour, damage and failure of a filled semi-crystalline polymer on a large strain rate range. ICEM16, 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Cambridge, England, juillet .
Bouzouita A., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Cédric S., Notta-Cuvier D., Dubois P. (2014). PLA/PMMA - based blends toughened with commercial impact modifiers for automotive applications. 5th workshop of green chemistry and nanotechnologies in polymer chemistry, San Sebastian, spain, juillet .
Bouzouita A., Raquez J.-M., Lauro F., Cédric S., Notta-Cuvier D., Dubois P. (2014). PLA/PMMA - based blends toughened with commercial impact modifiers for automotive applications. Belgian polymer group annual meeting, Ghent, Belgium, mai .
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2014). Anisotropic damage induced by complex fibre orientations in short-fibre reinforced composites. ICILLS International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Cape Town, South Africa, janvier .
Joudon V., Portemont G., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2014). Experimental procedure to characterize the mode I dynamic fracture toughness of epoxy resins. ICILLS International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Cape Town, South Africa, janvier .
Odent J., Raquez J.-M., Thomassin J.-M., Gloaguen J.-M., Lauro F., Jérôme C., Lefebvre J.-M., Dubois P. (2013). Desing of fully biodegradable impact resistant polylactide-based materials mediated with nanofillers : from toughness to supertoughness. BIOPOL - 4th international conference on biodegradable and biobased polymers, Rome, Italy, octobre .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2013). Time and rate dependent constitutive model coupled with nonlocal damage at finite strains for semi-crystalline polymers. 9th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Manchester, England, juin .
Haugou G., Bourel B., Lauro F., Bennani B., Lesueur D., Morin D. (2012). Characterization and modelling of structural bonding at high strain rate. 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, DYMAT, Freibourg, Allemagne, septembre ., ISBN 978-2-7598-0757-4
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Nakaya K. (2012). Polymer behaviour and fracture models in dynamic. 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, DYMAT, Freibourg, Germany, septembre ., ISBN 978-2-7598-0757-4
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Nakaya K. (2012). An elasto-viscoplastic with damage constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymer. Plasticity 2012, San Juan, PR, USA, janvier .
Hubert C., Dubar L., Dubar M., Dubois A., Lauro F., Morin D. (2011). A non-associative flow rate formulation for Lemaitre's damage model. ICTP 2011, Aachen, Germany, septembre .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Nakaya K., Haran E. (2011). Rate dependent model for polymer materials, application to crashworthinesssimulation. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011), Valenciennes, France, juin .
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Naceur H., Lauro F. (2011). An accurate solution for low-velocity impact response of composite plates with general boundary conditions. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011), Valenciennes, France, juin .
Morin D., Lauro F., Clausen A., Hopperstad O., Langseth M. (2011). Modelling of bonded joints for crashworthiness applications. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011), Valenciennes, France, juin .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Nakaya K., Haran E. (2011). Polymer fracture criteria in dynamic. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011), Valenciennes, France, juin .
Haugou G., Bourel B., Brefort R., Lauro F. (2011). Characterization of structural adhesive for high strain rate. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS'2011), Valenciennes, France, juin .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Nakaya K., Haran E. (2011). Behaviour model for semi-cristalline polymer, application to crashworthiness simulations. 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Strasbourg, France, mai .
Lauro F., Morin D., Bourel B., Bennani B., Haugou G. (2011). A New Cohesive Element for Structural Bonding Modeling in Crash Applications. 34th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society, Savannah, USA, février .
Lauro F., Bennani B., Epee A. (2010). Behaviour and rupture models for polypropylene in dynamic. DYMAT Technical Meeting, Strasbourg, France, décembre .
Balieu R., Bourel B., Bennani B., Lauro F., Nakaya K., Haran E. (2010). Polymer behavior models for crashworthiness finite element simulations. Student DYMAT conference, Guéthary, France, octobre .
Morin D., Haugou G., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2010). Characterization of a structural adhesive by Digital Image Correlation. Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference, Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc., Indianapolis, USA, juin ., ISBN 978-1-935116-05-9
Morin D., Haugou G., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2010). Elasto-viscoplasticity Behavior of a Structural Adhesive Under Compression Loadings. Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics "Experimental Mechanics of High Performance Systems", Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc., Indianapolis, USA, juin ., ISBN 978-1-935116-05-9
Morin D., Bourel B., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2010). Structural bonding modeling for crash simulations. IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM2010, Paris, France, mai .
Morin D., Haugou G., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2010). Identification of new behaviour and failure models for toughened epoxy adhesive. 33rd Annual meeting of adhesion society, Daytona Beach, USA, février ., ISBN 1086-9506
Lauro F., Morin D., Haugou G., Bennani B. (2009). Application of SEE method on multiphase steel. SEM Annual Conference, Albuquerque, Nouveau Mexique, USA, juin .
Epee A., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2009). A phenomenological approach for the modelling of a semi-cristalline polymer under dynamic loading until failure. Workshop : Behaviour and modelling of polymers, Trondheim, Norway, juin .
Epee A., Morin D., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2008). Characterisation of material behaviour of a semi-cristalline polymer on a wide range of plastic strain rates. International Conference - Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Trondheim, Norway, juin .
Zouari B., Lauro F., Bennani B., Markiewicz é., Even D., Cornette D. (2006). Efficiency and identification procedures of damage models in dynamic. International Crashworthiness conference, Athens, Greece, juillet .
Lauro F., Drazetic P., Markiewicz é., Deletombe é. (2006). Recent development in crashworthiness : Experimental and numerical fields, Workshop on energy absorbing structures and materials in railway and aerospace and Annual workshop on material testing and modelling. Advanced Passive Safety Network, Athens, Greece, janvier .
Lauro F., Bayart A.-S., Bennani B., Langrand B. (2005). A global approach to the failure prediction of a riveted assembly. VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and B. Suarez (Ed.), Barcelona, Spain, septembre ., ISBN 84-95999-78-1
Lauro F., Bennani B., Markiewicz é., Langrand B. (2005). Improvement of crashworthiness modelling with history of forming and assembly processes. International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Florianopolis, Brazil, mai .
Croix P., Bennani B., Lauro F., Benallal A. (2004). Models and identification method for damage under dynamic loading: Application to aluminium and magnesium parts. International Symposium Crashworthiness of Light-Weight Automotive Structures, Trondheim (Norway), juin .
Tison S., Croix P., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2003). Modelling of damage and failure in aluminium alloys. International Crashworthiness and Design Symposium, G.R.R.T., Lille (France), pp. 1061-1074, décembre .
Croix P., Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J. (2003). Damage and rupture of anisotropic metals for the dynamic and the crash of vehicles. DYMAT, 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, J.S. Cirne, Porto (Portugal), pp. 13-18, septembre .
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J. (2003). Endommagement anisotrope pour materiau aluminium. M. Poitiers-Ferry, M. Bonnet, A. Bignonnet, Sixième colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens (France), pp. 365-372, mai ., ISBN 2-7302-1032-6
Tison S., Croix P., Bennani B., Lauro F., Benallal A. (2003). Modelling and identification of damage for crash simulations. VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, D.R.J. Owen, E. Onate and B. Suarez, Barcelona (Spain), pp. 76, avril ., ISBN 84-95999-22-6
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J. (2002). Anisotropic damage for aluminium. 4th international Conference on Materials Processing Defects, MPD4, Cachan, France, septembre .
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Christlein J. (2001). Improvement of damage prediction by anisotropy of microvoids. International conference on advances in materials and processing technologies, AMPT'01, Madrid, Espagne, septembre .
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Cornette D. (2001). Damage history in the prediction of failure. A.M. Habraken, Proceedings of the Fourth ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Derouaux Ordina, Liège, pp. 217-220, janvier .
Croix P., Lauro F., Oudin J., Christlein J. (2000). Anisotropic damage applied to numerical ductile rupture. Euromech 417: Numerical Modelling in damage Mechanics, Troyes, France, octobre .
Lauro F., Croix P., Morvan H., Oudin J. (1999). Identification des paramètres d'endommagement pour un matériau anisotrope par une méthode inverse : application à un aluminium. D. Guedra-Degeorges, P. Ladevèze, M. Raous, Actes du Quatrième Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Teknea, Toulouse, pp. 605-608, janvier .
Noiret C., Lauro F., Lochegnies D., Oudin J. (1998). An inverse method for dertermining forming parameters of hollow glass items. First ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Sophia Antipolis, France, mars .
Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J. (1998). Identification of the damage parameters for anisotropic materials by inverse technique : application to an aluminium. M.S.J. Hashmi & L. Looney, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies and 16th Annual Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Dublin City University Press, Dublin, pp. 1001-1008, janvier .
Lauro F., Barrière T., Bennani B., Drazetic P., Oudin J. (1997). Damage framework for the prediction of material defects : identification of the damage material parameters by inverse technique. M. Predeleanu, P. Gilormini, Advanced methods in materials processing defects, M. Predeleanu, P. Gilormini, Amsterdam, pp. 165-174, janvier .
Conférence nationale avec actes et comité de lecture
Leconte N., Bourel B., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2023). Caractérisation et modélisation de la tenue dynamique d'un assemblage SPR composite/métallique. Les Assemblages mécaniques - Evolutions récentes et perspectives (5ème Colloque Assemblages), Saint-Ouen, France, juillet .
Bourel B., Lauro F., Haugou G., Leconte N. (2023). Modelling of adhesive failure for crash. Les Assemblages mécaniques - Evolutions récentes et perspectives (5ème Colloque Assemblages), Saint-Ouen, France, juillet .
Notta-Cuvier D., Proy J., Lauro F., Massa F. (2023). Modélisation des phénomènes d'endommagement et critère de rupture de thermoplastiques renforcés par fibres courtes minérales ou végétales. Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC), besancon, France, juin .
Xu W., Lauro F., Chehami L., Morvan H., Delille R. (2022). Nondestructive evaluation of composite and porous materials by 3D acoustical imaging. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA 2022, marseille, france, avril .
Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Le roux O., Roth S. (2021). Enhancement of a human thoracic FE model for blunt impact and related trauma. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 46ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Saint-Etienne (France), novembre . [DOI=].
Nciri M., Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Chaari F., Zouari B., Maalej Y. (2017). A coupled viscoelastic-viscoplastic model for short-fibre reinforced composites. Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM) 2017, Lille (France), août .
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F. (2017). Modélisation du comportement dynamique de thermoplastiques renforcés par fibres courtes : influence couplée du comportement visqueux de la matrice et des caractéristiques complexes du renfort. 20ièmes Journées Nationales des Composites, Champs sur Marne, France, juin .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Xu W., Mottola E., Matsumoto T. (2017). ). Détermination expérimentale et numérique de l'endommagement induit par un impact basse vitesse sur un stratifié CMO à préformes textiles dans un contexte industriel. 20ièmes Journées Nationales des Composites, Champs sur Marne, France, juin .
Bourel B., Lauro F., Leconte N., Haugou G., Dufour L. (2017). Bonded assemblies modelling under crash loading. Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile, Multimatériaux pour l'allègement, Saint Quentin en Yvelines, mars .
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F., Chaari F., Delille R., Robache F., Haugou G., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2016). Variabilité des propriétés constitutives, géométriques et mécaniques des fibres végétales : quel impact sur le comportement mécanique de composites à fibres courtes ?. 2ème édition des Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés, IFMA/SIGMA, Clermont-Ferrand (France), avril .
Notta-Cuvier D., Nciri M., Lauro F., Chaari F., Delille R., Robache F., Haugou G., Maalej Y., Zouari B. (2016). Comportement sous sollicitations dynamiques de thermoplastiques renforcés par fibres courtes: Influence couplée de la vitesse de déformation et des distributions d'orientation des fibres. Journées du Groupe de Travail MécaDymat, Icube, Illkirch (France), mars .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2015). Modélisation du comportement des composites stratifiés à préformes textiles avec prédiction du délaminage par une théorie de déplacement zigzag dans des éléments coques Mindlin-Reissner. 19èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Lyon, France, juin .
Notta-Cuvier D., Odent J., Delille R., Murariu M., Lauro F., Raquez J.-M., Bennani B. (2014). Développement de compositions polymères biosourcées sur base PLA pour des applications automobiles. Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, novembre .
Treutenaere S., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2014). Modèle viscoélastique endommageable en grandes déformations pour les composites carbone/époxy à préformes textiles soumis à des sollicitations dynamiques. Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, novembre .
Odent J., Raquez J.-M., Thomassin J.-M., Gloaguen J.-M., Lauro F., Jérôme C., Lefebvre J.-M., Dubois P. (2013). Design of fully biodegradable impact resistant polylactide-based materials mediated with nanofillers : a structure-impact resistance. GFP-BPG 2013 Meeting, Roubaix, France, novembre .
Bourel B., Haugou G., Lauro F., Deltombe R., Lesueur D., Bennani B. (2013). Modélisation et caractérisation des joints collés à hautes vitesses de déformation. J. Chroné, J.-D Guérin et P. Quaegebeur, MATEC Web of Conferences Proceedings - Journées Annuelles SF2M 2013, 7, edp sciences, Lille, pp. 02014, octobre ., ISBN 978-2-7598-1080-2 [DOI=10.1051/matecconf/20130702014].
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Matsumoto T., Mottola E. (2013). Modèle viscoélastique-viscoplastique couplé avec endommagement non-local pour polymères semi-cristallins. Actes du 11ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, mai .
Notta-Cuvier D., Lauro F., Bennani B., Balieu R. (2013). Modélisation du comportement inélastique avec endommagement de composites renforcés par des fibres courtes non parfaitement orientées. Actes du 11ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, mai .
Joudon V., Portemont G., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2013). Protocoles expérimentaux pour la caractérisation de la décohésion dynamique des Composites à Matrice Organique. MECADYMAT, Brest, France, avril .
Notta-Cuvier D., Langrand B., Markiewicz é., Lauro F. (2011). Méthode des champs virtuels pour la caractérisation de modèles de comportement viscoplastiques. Actes du 10ème colloque national en calcul des structures (CSMA'2011), Giens, mai .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B. (2011). Modèles de comportement pour matériaux polymères soumis au crash. Actes du 10ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, mai .
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Naceur H., Lauro F. (2011). Modélisation semi-analytique de l'impact à vitesse modérée de plaques composites avec des conditions aux limites générales. Actes du 10ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens, mai .
Notta-Cuvier D., Langrand B., Markiewicz é., Lauro F. (2010). Méthode des champs virtuels pour la caractérisation de l'endommagement des matériaux viscoplastiques. Matériaux 2010, Nantes, France, octobre .
Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J. (1998). Identification de lois de comportement pour matériaux poreux par méthode inverse. Mémoires et Études Scientifiques SF2M Journées d'Automne, ENSAM, Paris, pp. 180-193, janvier .
Lauro F., Bennani B., Oudin J. (1998). Identification des paramètres microscopiques d'endommagement par une méthode inverse. Colloque National MECAMAT Mécanismes et Mécanique de l'Endommagement et de la Rupture, Aussois, France, janvier .
Séminaire et autres communications
Lauro F., Bennani B., Epee A., Morin D., Balieu R. (2011). Identification d'un critère de rupture pour des matériaux viscoplastiques. Journées du CCRS (Comité Consultatif sur les Recherches en Soudage), Valenciennes, France, mars .
Epee A., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2010). Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement d'un polymère semi-cristallin au crash. Journées Scientifiques : Fiabilité des structures à base polymères, biopolymères et écopolymères, Metz, France, mai .
Epee A., Bennani B., Morin D., Lauro F. (2007). Caractérisation des déformations élastiques et plastiques d'un polymère semi-cristallin par corrélation d'images à différentes vitesses. DEPOS21, DEformation des POlymères Solides, Lille, France, octobre .
Croix P., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2004). Caractérisation de l'acier THR800 sous sollicitations dynamique pour l'analyse numérique de la rupture. Groupe de Travail MECADYMAT, Metz (France), juin .
Tison S., Croix P., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2003). Damage models for crashworthiness of lightweight vehicles. EUROPAM, Mainz (Germany), octobre .
Rapport de contrat de recherche
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Naceur H. (2010). Essais expérimentaux et modèles analytiques (CTSI). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, novembre .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Haugou G. (2010). Polymer behaviour and fracture modelling for crashworthiness (TOYOTA). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, septembre .
Bourel B., Morin D., Lauro F., Bennani B., Haugou G. (2010). Modélisation des assemblages collés par éléments cohésifs. Rapport de contrat L&L products, LAMIH, Valenciennes, septembre .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Haugou G. (2010). Numerical implementation and experimental results (TOYOTA). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, juin .
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Naceur H. (2010). Résultats des essais expérimentaux d'impact sur plaques sandwich et modèles analytiques associés (CTSI). , UVHC, LAMIH, Valenciennes, mai .
Balieu R., Lauro F., Bennani B., Bourel B., Haugou G. (2010). Damage and failure models for polymers (TOYOTA). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, février .
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Naceur H. (2009). Modèles analytiques et simulations éléments finis de l'impact sur un sandwich composite (CTSI - Centre Technique de la Sécurité Intérieure). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, novembre .
Mavel S., Maréchal C., Lauro F., Naceur H. (2009). Modèles et modélisations de l'impact à moyennes vitesses de structures sandwich (CTSI - Centre Technique de la Sécurité Intérieure). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, avril .
Bennani B., Cornette D., Croix P., Deletombe é., Fabis J., Haugou G., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2005). Rupture en pleine tôle de l'acier THR800 sous sollicitations dynamiques à moyennes vitesses de déformation (ARCELOR). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, juillet .
Lauro F., Bennani B. (2005). Implémentation d'un modèle de comportement de matériaux polymères (VISTEON). , LAMIH, Valenciennes, juillet .
Epee A., Lauro F., Bennani B. (2005). Implémentation d'un modèle de comportement de matériaux polymères. , VISTEON, Valenciennes, juillet .
Markiewicz é., Bennani B., Lauro F., Croix P., Haugou G. (2004). Campagne d'essais sur aciers à très hautes résistances - Etude du comportement à l'endommagement d'éprouvette plates entaillées. Rapport ARCELOR, lamih, valenciennes, janvier .
Bennani B., Cornette D., Croix P., Deletombe é., Fabis J., Haugou G., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2004). Rupture en pleine tôle de l'acier THR800 sous sollicitations dynamiques à moyennes vitesses de déformation. Rapport ARCELOR, lamih, valenciennes, janvier .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2003). Mesh dependency in crash problems : Part I : theory. Rapport intermédiaire de contrat CEE BRITE EURAM IMPACT, Impact Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, septembre .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2003). Mesh dependency in crash problems : Part II : A viscoplastic model. Rapport intermédiaire de contrat CEE BRITE EURAM IMPACT, Impact Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, septembre .
Maillot S., Bennani B., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2003). Amélioration de la simulation du comportement en service des structures en acier: Prédiction de la rupture lors d'un crash. Rapport ARCELOR, lamih, valenciennes, janvier .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2002). Damage parameters results. Rapport intermédiaire de contrat CEE BRITE EURAM IMPACT, Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, décembre .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2002). Identification of damage parameters : experimental results. Rapport intermédiaire de contrat CEE BRITE EURAM IMPACT, Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, avril .
Bennani B., Benallal A., Lauro F., Tison S. (2002). Periodic progress report on micro-model 1. Report Brite Euram IMPACT, LAMIH et LMT Cachan, Valenciennes, janvier .
Bennani B., Benallal A., Lauro F., Tison S. (2002). Periodic progress report on micro-model 2. Report, Brite Euram IMPACT, LAMIH et LMT Cachan, Valenciennes, janvier .
Maillot S., Lauro F., Markiewicz é. (2002). Modélisation du couplage emboutissage/crash et première approche de la rupture pleine tôle. Rapport ARCELOR, lamih, valenciennes, janvier .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2001). Identification of damage parameters : methods. Rapport intermédiaire de contrat CEE BRITE EURAM IMPACT, Improved Failure Prediction for Advanced Crashworthiness of Transportation Vehicles, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, juillet .
Bennani B., Benallal A., Lauro F., Tison S. (2001). Periodic progress report on micro-model. Report, Brite Euram IMPACT, LAMIH et LMT Cachan, Valenciennes, janvier .
Benallal A., Bennani B., Lauro F. (2000). Mesh independant damage models for ductile fracture. Research report, CEE Brite Euram Impact Improved Failure Prediction, UVHC, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Lauro F., Pons A. (2000). Caractérisation du comportement mécanique du polymère Noryl GTX964. Rapport de recherche Plastic Omnium, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Lauro F., Croix P. (1999). Local approach of the ductile fracture. Rapport de recherche AUDI AG, Université, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Lauro F., Nief S. (1999). Caractérisation du comportement mécanique du polymère Noryl GTX964. Rapport de recherche Plastic Omnium, Université, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Lauro F., Croix P. (1998). Identification of the Gurson damage parameters: application to an extruded aluminium part. AUDI AG, Université, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Lauro F., Croix P. (1998). Identification of the Gurson damage parameters: Application to a casting aluminium part. AUDI AG, Université, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Morvan H., Lauro F. (1997). Techniques d'optimisation en calcul des structures. Recherche en Optimisation, Université, LAMIH, Valenciennes, janvier .
Mémoire d'HDR
Lauro F. (2003). Modèles et méthodes pour l'endommagement et la rupture. , Univ. Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, décembre .
Mémoire de doctorat
Lauro F. (1996). Méthodologie pour la Prise en Compte de l'Endommagement Microstructural sous Chargement Dynamique. , Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Valenciennes, janvier .