The skills assessment
The skills assessment allows you to take stock of your career in order to help you define a coherent professional project and/or validate a training project
Who is the skills assessment intended for?
To any active person, including:
- private sector employees,
- job seekers: the request must be made to Pôle emploi, APEC or Cap emploi,
- public sector employees (civil servants, non-tenured agents, etc.): specific texts but under conditions similar to employees.
What is the role of the University?
The University accompanies you during the three mandatory phases of the skills assessment : preliminary phase to get information and define the project, investigation phase to build your project, conclusion phase determine the continuation of your project. The results of the assessment are your sole property.
The duration of the skills assessment varies according to the person's needs. It is a maximum of 24 hours, and is generally spread over several weeks during or outside of working hours. A follow-up interview at 6 months is carried out after each accompaniment.
Some key figures
2019 |
2020 |
Number of beneficiaries at the start of support |
1 |
1 |
Number of beneficiaries at the end of support |
1 |
1 |
Rate of follow-up interviews at 6 months |
100% |
100% |
Nature of field surveys conducted by grantees to validate their project |
Questionnaire, telephone interview, and/or physical interview |
Number of field surveys conducted by grantees to validate their project |
2 |
2 |