EUNICE General Assembly in Valenciennes, the first in person
As the EUNICE project was launched in 2020, the rectors and presidents of the partner universities were meeting face-to-face for the first time to agree on a common strategic vision, including the expansion of the Alliance to new partners and the extension of the project.
Parallel to this, 70 members of the partner universities were gathered in Valenciennes from May 30 to June 1 to work together on the co-creation of training programs under the EUNICE banner: the Programs of Excellence.
For the teams involved in the project, this gathering was an opportunity to take stock, mid-project, of what has been achieved so far and how far we still have to go.
Abdelhakim Artiba, Président de l'UPHFEunice is a great opportunity for students. They have the possibility to customize their course in terms of choice of modules but also in terms of learning techniques (virtual mobility, physical mobility, immersive courses, project-based learning...). Students will develop their European identity and acquire real capacities to adapt to the economic, cultural and multilingual world. Moreover, the alliance's approach to identify the needs of society in terms of skills and to draw inspiration from them for the course offer greatly favors their future employability.
Finally, the presence of the rector of UMONS and the president of the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France, at the Assembly allowed the signing of the Partnership Agreement for the start of the "Pôle Matériaux Transfrontalier", the culmination of a long-standing collaboration between the two universities in the context of several scientific research projects, particularly in the theme of materials. The main objective of this Pole is to strengthen their academic and scientific cooperation, create international opportunities, and facilitate the advancement of knowledge in the materials theme, all driven by a spirit of reciprocity, effort, mutual benefit, and regular interactions in the fields of education and research, all under the patronage of EUNICE and building on their respective research and innovation ecosystems.