étudiants ukrainiens
  • The training

Welcome to 9 students from Ukraine

Arrived from Ukraine, 9 students are preparing for their return to UPHF.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, 9 students have been welcomed into the institution. For the moment, each of them is preparing for the next school year. To this end, the university has notably given them access to the reinforced accompaniment service, developed as part of the new university Prélude curriculum, to allow for better orientation and the redefinition of their personal and professional project. Non-French speakers are taking FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses in order to integrate a diploma course in September. The university has also taken charge of facilitating their access to CROUS housing and emergency financial aid. Elisabeth Gondy, regional advisor for the education and research commission, detected most of these students from Ukraine and asked our institution to welcome them. She visited them this Tuesday, June 14, 2022, during a small group FLE course. The university is also continuing to study the files of Ukrainian students who will be able to benefit, upon their arrival, from the same welcome and support.

étudiants ukrainiens