Ciné-débat sur les violences sexistes et sexuelles
  • Discussions

Film-debate on gender-based and sexual violence

As part of the fight against sexist and sexual violence and in collaboration with the UPHF Health Center, come to the screening of a short film made by the association l'Escabo on this theme, followed by a debate to learn how to recognize and react to this violence.

  • Le 24/02/2022

  • Open Days

This discussion will feature the participation of:

  • the association Nous toutes Valenciennes,
  • the director and the main actress of the short film,
  • the psychologists and a representative of the VSS cell of the university,
  • a legal expert.
 Ce débat se fera avec la participation de :      l'association Nous toutes Valenciennes,     la réalisatrice et l'actrice principale du court-métrage,     les psychologues et un représentant de la cellule VSS de l'université,     un juriste.