Abdelhak KABILA is a Senior Lecturer and entitled to direct Research in Mathematics.
Teacher-Researcher at UVHC since 1989, his research work focuses on the study of singularities of foliations as well as on the theory of catastrophes.
From 1996 to 2000 he was Director of the Undergraduate Department and First Deputy Director of the ISTV. From 2000 to 2003, he was First Vice President of the University in charge of Training and Student Life. He initiated the implementation of the LMD reform in France and led and coordinated the implementation of this reform at UVHC as a pilot university. From 2010 to 2012, he was appointed Vice-President of UVHC in charge of training and student life. From 2012 to 2014, he was appointed Vice President of UVHC in charge of relations with the socio-economic world, in charge of the Valorization of Research as well as in charge of Culture and Scientific Heritage. Since 2012 he has been elected Vice-President of the Network of Business Hives (Conseil Départemental du Nord). In January 2013, he was appointed Project Manager for Entrepreneurship and Director of the Hubhouse. From 2014 to 2016 he was Vice President of the University delegated to communication and external relations.
His research activities have resulted in several articles in national and international journals. He has also given several conferences in France and abroad.