Presentation of the Ecole Doctorale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
The Hauts-de-France Polytechnic Doctoral School (ED PHF n°635), led by the Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University (UPHF), co-accredited with the Hauts-de-France National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA HdF), associated with the Catholic Institute of Lille (ICL), gathers a potential of more than 160 Teacher-Cherchists entitled to direct research, 4 host laboratories including 2 UMR CNRS for about 250 PhD students and about 45 theses defended annually.
7 scientific fields
The Hauts-de-France Polytechnic Doctoral School is a multidisciplinary doctoral school. It is authorized to operate in 7 scientific fields: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies; Mathematics and their interactions; Chemistry; Biology, Medicine and Health; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Engineering Sciences.
2 scientific poles
In line with the polytechnic character of the UPHF and its disciplinary teaching poles, the ED is organized into two scientific poles: a Science and Technology Pole (PST) and a Societies and Humanities Pole (PSH). This alignment between the structure of the University and that of the ED gives it greater agility and rationality, allowing it to gain in efficiency and visibility. This choice illustrates the spirit of the Polytechnic University, which is not a simple circulation between disciplines, but a true reseeding where disciplinary strengths are reinforced because they take interdisciplinarity as their modus vivendi. In order to encourage cross-fertilization and to promote this interdisciplinarity even more, not only between disciplines in the same pole, but also between disciplines in two different poles, the so-called poly-sciences crossover will be created and encouraged.
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Research laboratories
Internal regulations