Valenciennois, a land of steel
As part of the continuing lecture series led by the Université des Savoirs Partagés (USP), the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France will offer the lecture "Le Valenciennois, terre d'acier" on Thursday, March 21 at 6pm, campus du Mont-Houy, Matisse building, amphi 500.
Free admission | Registration required
The Université des Savoirs Partagés lecture series continues with a theme firmly rooted in the region.
The "Valenciennois, Terre d'Acier" conference will highlight the history and future of metallurgy, which remains one of our region's industrial flagships.
The steel and metallurgy sectors have always been on the move in the Valenciennois, and remain anchored in the local history and economy.
From the first industrial facilities in the 19th century to contemporary technological innovations, steel has been the mainstay of prosperity and development in the area.
Hosted by Jean-Luc Lambert and the founding members of the association de préfiguration d'un pôle "Monde de l'acier", this captivating event will offer an overview of the evolution of the metallurgical industry, from past challenges to future opportunities.
See you on March 21 at 6pm, on the Mont Houy campus (Matisse building) to dive into the fascinating world of metallurgy and discover how the Valenciennois continues to assert itself as a land of steel, forging its future with boldness and determination.
Don't wait to register!

Registration form
Pre-registration is required for anyone wishing to attend the conference.
Access to the building will be granted on presentation of identification.
> Register!
Université des Savoirs Partagés
Sociétés et Humanités Institute
Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Le Mont Houy, bâtiment Matisse
59313 Valenciennes CEDEX 9