European trainings - EUNICE Alliance
Possible modules to 7 partner institutions
The Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France is part of the EUNICE Alliance grouping 7 partners in Europe: Poznan University of Technology (PUT, Poland), University of Vaasa (UniVaasa, Finland), University of Cantabria (UC, Spain), University of Catania (UNICT, Italy), University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium), Technological University of Brandenburg Cottbus-Senftenberg, (BTU, Germany), Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF, France). (More details).
Within the framework of this alliance modules open to students from the 7 partners are offered via a catalog that will be gradually enriched. These modules take place online and can be a complementary opportunity for PhD students to complete their training.
In practice you can consult this page to access the catalog of modules.
If you wish to participate in a module you must send your wish via the following email address: @email
Please note:the number of spaces in the modules is limited and registration dates depend on the modules.
Modules are organized via a dedicated MOODLE through which you will be able to justify your participation.
Please note: note that all participation is subject to the approval of your Thesis Director. A certificate will be required to be provided to the doctoral school so that this training can be validated.
On this attestation it will be necessary:
- to specify whether the training followed falls under Training Area 1, 2 or 3.
- to put the first and last name of your Thesis Director and to have it signed.