Cooperation projects
UPHF participates in different types of European projects under the Erasmus+ program
Transnational projects to develop and share innovative practices, as well as to promote cooperation, peer learning and exchange of experiences in the fields of education, training and youth
Capacity building projects
Cooperation projects that support the modernization of partner countries' higher education systems.
The European University EUNICE
EUNICE is an alliance of seven European higher education institutions working together to become a new European university and generate a shift from traditional to personalized education.

Peer-IR-View is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that aims to improve knowledge management in the field of international relations in higher education
The partners of this project are the 6 universities of the European university EUNICE with which UPHF shares great similarities: human-sized, multi- and interdisciplinary university, with a solid territorial anchorage.
Submit an Erasmus+ project
Contact : UPHF International Relations Cluster
Also read

A European university

